To bring back the Golden Age of Illustration

At the Katz Atelier our goal is to build up students' proficiency in observing, and provide a structured process for drawing and painting that can be applied to any genre or subject. From fine arts to fantasy art, our teachings are based on the lost drawing and painting methods of Golden Age ateliers and masters.

Weekend Classes

Katz Atelier is a studio based Art School situated in the heart of Wellington. We teach a variety of artists from university students to working professionals at Weta Workshop, Digital, PikPok, A44 and so on. Weekend classes are perfect for those with a busy work schedule. All materials are included in the course costs.

Core Curriculum

Fundamentals of Drawing

This is our core introductory course which all students are required to take. This course re educates students on how to correctly observe and draw, focusing on structure and core principles that are then carried into oil painting. Students will learn to draw like they paint

Fundamentals of Oil

This introductory course for oil painting lets students become familiar with painting materials and understanding tone. We provide a non toxic painting environment using Gamsol as our paint thinner. Fundamentals of Drawing is required to take this course

Zorn Palette in Oils

The Zorn Palette is a great first leap into mixing colour in oils. In this course you will learn mixing under a controlled palette and basic colour theory. Fundamentals of Oil Painting is required to take this course

Advanced Curriculum

Advanced Charcoal Drawing

This course focuses on longer rendered efforts, building on the structure and observational techniques learned in previous classes. Fundamentals of Drawing is required to take this course.

Advanced Oil Painting

Here students are introduced to the warm/cool palette as well as a variety of new genres such as animals, still life and landscape painting. Students are required to have taken Zorn Palette in Oils

Smaug Weekend Session

Here students put everything they've learned leading up the Zorn Palette to the test. This is a full weekend class involving 16 hours of painting. Zorn Palette in Oils is required to take this course

Further Learning

Fundamentals of Figure Drawing

Fundamentals of Figure focuses on structure and simplification of form. In this class we will break down and develop a figure drawing process that can be replicated in any scenario. Fundamentals of Drawing is required to take this course

Still Life and Material Painting

A must for concept artists. This course covers various types of materials and how hey are affected by light. We will look at materials such as metal, fur, glass and ceramics. Advanced Oil Painting is required for this course

Composition and Landscape

Students are introduced to composition tropes, structures, materials and atmospheric effects found in landscapes. This knowledge is then applied to studio painted landscapes. Advanced Oil Painting is required for this course


This course has been life changing!

James Doyle - Weta Workshop

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About Katz Atelier

Founded by Matt Katz. The Katz Atelier is based on over 9 years of teaching experience in Design and Illustration at Massey University as well as his further studying at the Watts Atelier in California. 


3b/15 College Street

Te Aro

Wellington 6011
(Next to 'Shut the Front' Door)


Contact us

Email Matt for any queries